Claudia Piñeiro (Argentina) is a novelist, screenplay writer, playwright and storyteller from Buenos Aires who has also worked as a costume designer. Her works have been translated into several different languages. She will talk to the journalist Clara Elvira Ospina about her latest published work, Las maldiciones (2017), which tells the story of a woman who returns to her native Argentina after thirty years away.
Teatro Municipal de Arequipa.
Time: 18:00 - 19:00.
Up to what point do our genes affect our day-to-day decisions? Can genetics determine what is going to happen to us? Miguel Pita, a Doctor in Genetics and Cellular Biology, researcher and lecturer at Madrid’s Autonomous University and a regular visitor to universities in the United States, Chile and Australia, looks at these questions in his latest book: El ADN dictador. He will talk about genetics and its immense importance for us all, with the journalis Liliet Heredero.
Event sponsored by the Universidad Católica de Santa María
Centro Cultural Peruano Norteamericano (Teatro).
Time: 18:00 - 19:00.
Haydée Milanés explores the world of Cuban music with her trio. In a particularly Cuban, intense and intimate key, new interpretive airs can be found in the voice of one of the most important figures on the island’s new musical scene. From the songs of her father, Pablo Milanés, in her most recent project Amor, Haydée Milanés a dúo con Pablo Milanés, and some of the most important boleros by Cuban songwriters, to her own compositions, her music takes in a wide range of genres and influences, particularly canción cubana, bolero-feeling and jazz.
Event co-organized with la Fundación BBVA – Banco Continental and El Comercio
Teatro Municipal de Arequipa.
Time: 20:00 - 21:00.
Maylis de Kerangal (France) has worked in publishing and is the author of novels including Birth of a Bridge, translated into eight languages and winner of the Médicis, Franz Hessel and Gregor von Rezzori prizes, and Mend the Living, winner in 2015 of the Llibreter Prize awarded by Catalan booksellers. Her latest work to be published in Spanish is Lampedusa, a novel built up around the name Lampedusa, which the author hears on the radio, full of literary and geographical associations, but also of tragedy and pain because of its link to the port of Lampedusa and the massive arrival of refugees on Sicily in recent years. She will talk to Alfredo Vanini Benvenuto, cultural manager, journalist and writer.
Simultaneous translation available from French to Spanish
With the support of the French Embassy
Teatro Municipal de Arequipa.
Time: 10:00 - 11:00.
The 30th Hay Festival coincides with the 500th anniversary of the reforms proposed by Martin Luther. To celebrate this important milestone in Western critical thinking, we have asked a number of thinkers to present a reform that is relevant today. In the 21st century, most of the planet’s population lives in urban areas and there are ever more megalopolises and cities with millions of inhabitants. In this context, how does living in a city affect humans? If our surroundings determine our quality of life, why not make cities more human? Deyan Sudjic, Director of London’s Design Museum, will propose a new concept of city.
Simultaneous translation available from English to Spanish
With the support of the British Council
Centro Cultural Peruano Norteamericano (Teatro).
Time: 10:00 - 11:00.
Three writers will talk with the writer and journalist Juan Cruz about narrative´s versatility, how it can be presented in different formats and its possibilities. Alberto Barrera Tyska is a Venezuelan writer, poet and screenwriter. Claudia Piñeiro is an Argentinian writer and playwright. Yolanda Reyes is a Colombian writer who is well known for her work surrounding both children´s and “grown-ups” literature, a distinction she tries to avoid. Juan Cruz is a Spanish journalist, author of more than twenty books.
Auditorio del Colegio de Arquitectos.
Time: 10:00 - 11:00.
After being a part of a number of well-known groups, including the Ernán López-Nussa Quartet, Milanés started out as a soloist in 2002. Over the years, her voice has been acclaimed as one of the most beautiful and genuine in Cuban popular music. She will talk about la canción cubana and its influences with Walther Salas, sociologist.
Universidad Nacional San Agustín (sala Mariano Melgar).
Time: 10:00 - 11:00.
The State and those involved in the book industry debate about a matter that is crucial to the whole cultural and educational system, but this time we have asked publishers what they think. At this event, publishers in a range of media share their views on a specific question: what should a new book law be like?
Biblioteca Mario Vargas Llosa.
Time: 10:00 - 11:00.
The Peruvian government is carrying out its first self-definition census, the aim of which is that citizens describe their ethnic origin. In a country as multicultural as Peru, this census can be seen as a historical milestone of great importance in terms of raising the profile of native cultures. Lee Maracle is an expert in indigenous culture, a writer and an academic. Ángela Chissla Palomino is a member of ONAMIAP for Puno. They will talk to Ingrid Bejerman about what it means to be indigenous in the Americas.
Simultaneous translation available from English to Spanish
With the support of Ginny Stikeman
Instituto Cultural Peruano Alemán.
Time: 10:00 - 11:00.
Corruption is a problem that can be considered to be almost endemic at a global level. Its impact on the economy and governmental systems is worrying. The journalist, activist and writer Lydia Cacho (Mexico), an expert on this matter and its consequences, will talk to the journalist Gustavo Gorriti. The author of a number of books, founder of the CIAM women’s centre in Cancun, and human rights activist with a particular focus on the rights of women and children, she has won many awards around the world for her work.
Teatro Municipal de Arequipa.
Time: 12:00 - 13:00.
The British writer Laline Paull, an English graduate from Oxford University, is the author of the novels The Bees and The Ice, a futuristic story about a planet that suffers the effects of climate change and the tactics of the richest in a bid to live in the areas least affected by this devastating phenomenon. She will talk about both books with the Times Literary Supplement journalist, Toby Lichtig.
Simultaneous translation available from English to Spanish
With the support of the British Council
Centro Cultural Peruano Norteamericano (Teatro).
Time: 12:00 - 13:00.
The Spanish writer and journalist, Sergio del Molino, author of La España vacía, which won the Madrid Booksellers’ Prize for non-fiction, and the Cálamo Prize for best book of the year, will talk to the journalist Xavi Ayén about this book and his new novel, La mirada de los peces. The novel starts with a text about his charismatic mentor, the activist Antonio Aramayona, a defender of public education, the lay society and the right to die a dignified death, and becomes a dialogue with the past and with the author’s own memory.
With the support of Acción Cultural Española
Auditorio del Colegio de Arquitectos de Arequipa.
Time: 12:00 - 13:00.
Luisgé Martín is a Spanish writer and journalist. A member of the founding team of two Spanish cultural magazines (Esperpento and Perchero) and a contributor to several publications, he advised the Minister of Culture, Ángeles González-Sinde, in 2010 and 2011. He currently combines writing with work for Thinking Heads. This author of novels and short stories will talk to Dante Trujillo, journalist, writer and editor of El Dominical about his latest work, El amor del revés, an autobiographical work that talks honestly and clearly about how he gradually accepted his feelings and sexual preferences.
With the support of Acción Cultural Española
Universidad Nacional San Agustín (sala Mariano Melgar).
Time: 12:00 - 13:00.
Maylis de Kerangal (France) has worked in publishing and is the author of novels including Birth of a Bridge, translated into eight languages and winner of the Médicis, Franz Hessel and Gregor von Rezzori prizes, and Mend the Living, winner in 2015 of the Llibreter Prize awarded by Catalan booksellers. She will speak with the writer Guadalupe Nettel.
Simultaneous translation available from French to Spanish
With the support of the French Embassy
Alianza Francesa de Arequipa.
Time: 12:00 - 13:00.
“Why do we continue to write, in a world where literature counts for less and less, is more poorly paid and brings less social prestige…?” So begins the documentary Vida y ficción, directed and produced by José Ovejero and Edurne Portela. Under this premise, 16 writers talk about their creative processes and their need for literature.
Duration: 57 minutes
With the support of Acción Cultural Española
Instituto Cultural Peruano Alemán.
Time: 12:00 - 13:30.
Teju Cole is an acclaimed Nigerian-American writer, author of novels such as Open City (2011), winner of the Pen/Hemingway Award, and Every Day Is for the Thief, both published by Random House. He is also a photographer and an art historian. He will talk to writer Rubén Gallo.
Translation available from English to Spanish
Teatro Municipal de Arequipa.
Time: 16:00 - 17:00.
Cees Nooteboom is probably the best known Dutch author on the international scene. A poet, writer and journalist, his bibliography includes much poetry and books such as Roads to Santiago, considered to be a masterpiece of travel writing, which covers twenty years of travels in Spain. He will talk to Juan Cruz about his work and, in particular, about his most recent books, El azar y el destino: Viajes por Latinoamérica and Tumbas de poetas y pensadores.
With the support of Dutch Foundation For Literature
Centro Cultural Peruano Norteamericano (Teatro).
Time: 16:00 - 17:00.
Countdown: Our Last, Best Hope for a Future on Earth?, by Alan Weisman, is a fascinating proposal for saving the planet. Well received by both critics and general readers, it is been translated into 13 languages and won the Los Angeles Times Book Prize (2013), a prize in the non-fiction category at the Paris Book Festival (2013), the Nautilus Gold Book Award (2014) and the Global Media Award for best book (2014). His previous work, The World Without Us, was an international bestseller, translated into 34 languages and named best non-fiction book of 2007 by a number of publications. This talk makes clear the human race’s devastating influence on our planet.
Sponsored by the UCSM and with the support of the US Embassy
Auditorio del Colegio de Arquitectos de Arequipa.
Time: 16:00 - 17:00.
A literary performance in which the writers, on stage, talk through their own characters. In each session, a dialogue is established between the artist Ignasi Duarte and, in this case, Cristina Rivera Garza. Duarte will pose a number of questions asked by the characters of the other author’s books. The project seeks to dramatize writing, not by representing a text, but in order to obtain a new story based on the literature itself.
Universidad Nacional San Agustín (sala Mariano Melgar).
Time: 16:00 - 17:00.
The implications of violence in a country’s social context are complex, even affecting those who are far from it. Cases such as gender violence in Peru, which was the trigger for the #NiUnaMenos movement, which organized the largest march for women’s rights in Peru’s history, in August 2016, are exemplary when it comes to understanding the awareness of a society beset by violence. Talking to Francesca Denegri about violence and different kinds of violence, are the Peruvian guests Sheila Alvarado, Verónica Ferrari and Teresina Muñoz-Nájar.
Biblioteca Regional Mario Vargas Llosa.
Time: 16:00 - 17:00.
The 30th Hay Festival coincides with the 500th anniversary of the reforms proposed by Martin Luther. In the same spirit, we have asked a number of thinkers to present new reforms on matters that are relevant today. Lee Maracle is one of the most prolific Canadian aboriginal authors and is a recognized authority on indigenous Americans and their literature. An award-winning poet, novelist, storyteller, screenplay writer, actor and preserver of mythology and traditions in Stó:lÅ, she will talk to Ingrid Bejerman about the place of indigenous knowledge in university education programmes in the Western world.
Simultaneous translation available from English to Spanish
With the support of Ginny Stikeman
Instituto Cultural Peruano Alemán.
Time: 16:00 - 17:00.
The historian Norman Ohler (Germany) is the author of Blitzed. Drugs in Nazi Germany, a book that analyses the systematic and organized consumption of drugs in the army and by high officials in the 3rd Reich, from the rank and file to Hitler himself. He will talk to Miguel Barreda about this practice, widespread among the Nazis, which had historical consequences whose effects we are still living with today.
Simultaneous translation available from German to Spanish
With the support of the Goethe-Institut and the German Peruvian Cultural Institute
Teatro Municipal de Arequipa.
Time: 18:00 - 19:00.
The 30th Hay Festival coincides with the 500th anniversary of the reforms proposed by Martin Luther. So, we have asked a number of thinkers to present new reforms on matters that are relevant today. Gabrielle Walker, a Doctor of Chemistry from Cambridge University and presenter of the BBC programme Planet Earth Under Threat, proposes a change of approach to the “climate war”, considering a positive perspective for tackling the problem.
Simultaneous translation available from English to Spanish
With the support of SURA
Centro Cultural Peruano Norteamericano (Teatro).
Time: 18:00 - 19:00.
The Venezuelan fiction writer, poet and screenplay writer, Alberto Barrera Tyszka, is the author of Patria o muerte, which won the 11th Tusquets Novel Prize and which deals with Hugo Chávez’s battle against cancer, and later death. It is not the only time that he has written about the deceased President of Venezuela; together with Cristina Marcano he published Hugo Chavez: The Definitive Biography of Venezuela’s Controversial President. He has also published books, short stories and poetry, and has written screenplays for a number of soap operas, most recently Nada personal, for TV Azteca. He will share a stage with the Lima journalist and writer, Hugo Coya.
Auditorio del Colegio de Arquitectos de Arequipa.
Time: 18:00 - 19:00.
For one semester, Mario Vargas Llosa gave a course on literature and politics, together with Rubén Gallo, at the University of Princeton (United States). The two writers spoke to students about the theory of the novel and about the relationships between journalism, politics and literature, based on five books by the Nobel laureate: Conversation in the Cathedral, The Real Life of Alejandro Mayta, Who Killed Palomino Molero?, A Fish in the Water and The Feast of the Goat.
Universidad Nacional San Agustín (sala Mariano Melgar).
Time: 18:00 - 19:00.
Three writers talk to the publisher Álvaro Lasso about their latest works. With Katya Adaui (Peru), author of the book of short stories, Aquí hay icebergs; Cristina Morales (Spain), author of Terroristas modernos; and Laura Fernández (Spain), author of Connerland.
With the support of Acción Cultural Española
Biblioteca Regional Mario Vargas Llosa.
Time: 18:00 - 19:00.
The novels and essays on art and photography of Teju Cole (United States/Nigeria) have been praised by publications such as The New York Times, The Guardian and Time magazine. In his most recent work, Blind Spot, Cole plays with a mixture of photography and text. Natalia Majluf is an art historian and director of the Museo de Arte de Lima. These two experts will talk to Carlo Trivelli about the art of photography in contemporary culture.
Instituto Cultural Peruano Alemán.
Time: 18:00 - 19:00.
In Jerusalem: The Biography, Simon Sebag Montefiore (United Kingdom) tells the story of the city that is holy for three religions. This book was a Sunday Times number one bestseller and also won a Book of the Year Prize from the Jewish Book Council (US). Sebag Montefiore is a Doctor in Philosophy and an expert in Russia and the Middle East, as well as the relations between both regions and the West. In this conversation with the BBC journalist Liliet Heredero, he will talk about aspects of his book and his particular relationship with Jerusalem.
Simultaneous translation available from English to Spanish
Teatro Municipal de Arequipa.
Time: 20:00 - 21:00.
Geoff Dyer is one of the most outstanding contemporary British writers. A regular contributor to publications such as Esquire, The Guardian and The New York Times, he is also the author of books such as But Beautiful and Yoga For People Who Can’t Be Bothered to Do It. He will talk to Toby Litchtig about his latest book, White Sands: Experiences from the Outside World, in which he deals with the power of memory, a wonderful homage to art and literature.
Simultaneous translation available from English to Spanish
Centro Cultural Peruano Norteamericano (Teatro).
Time: 20:00 - 21:00.
This year marks 25 years since the arrest of the most wanted man in the history of Peru: Abimaél Guzmán, leader of the Shining Path. Two writers who have published books about Guzmán and the impact of terrorism will talk about their books with the BBC journalist, Juan Carlos Pérez. With Umberto Jara, author of Abimael: El sendero del terror, and José Carlos Agüero, author de Los Rendidos: Sobre el don de perdonar.
Auditorio del Colegio de Arquitectos de Arequipa.
Time: 20:00 - 21:00.
Alejandra Costamagna and Guadalupe Nettel, two preeminent writers from the Americas, whose works have also been well received in Europe, will talk to journalist and writer Dante Trujillo, who as the founder of Buensalvaje magazine and editor of El Dominical, has set himself the goal of helping literature to cross borders.
Universidad Nacional San Agustín (sala Mariano Melgar).
Time: 20:00 - 21:00.
When it comes to the art of writing poetry there are as many truths as there are true poets. This event features the Dutch writer Cees Nooteboom, who says that poetry lies at the centre of all that he does. His body of work, which contains more than fifty books and includes novels and travel writing, has won him several international prizes. He is accompanied by the Peruvian poet Carmen Ollé, who was acclaimed by critics after the publication of her poetry book Noches de adrenalina in 1981. Both writers will talk to Martín Zúñiga (Peru), the author of a number of poetry books and who in 2011 published an anthology of young Arequipa poets entitled Rastros/Rostros.
With the support of Dutch Foundation For Literature
Biblioteca Regional Mario Vargas Llosa.
Time: 20:00 - 21:00.
The cataloguing, study, conservation and exhibition of a country’s artistic and archaeological heritage is a matter of great importance, given that what is at stake is the management of that country’s cultural history. Three experts with different approaches to their work will talk to Natalia Majluf about their experiences. With Jago Cooper, Curator of the Americas at the British Museum (United Kingdom), Deyan Sudjic, Director of London’s Design Museum (United Kingdom), and Antonio Huitrón Santoyo, expert in public archaeology at Mexico’s National Institute of Archaeology and History.
Simultaneous translation available from English to Spanish
Instituto Cultural Peruano Alemán.
Time: 20:00 - 21:00.
Andrea Marcolongo (Italy), a specialist on classical Greece, was also put in charge of writing speeches for the then Prime Minister of Italy, Matteo Renzi. She is the author of La lingua geniale: 9 ragioni per amare il greco, a beautiful book about classical Greek in which she shares with the reader the importance of this foundational language for Western culture. She will talk to Carlo Trivelli about this book.
Translation available from Italian to Spanish
With the support of the Embassy of Italy
Teatro Municipal de Arequipa.
Time: 10:00 - 11:00.
An archaeologist who specializes in South America and the Caribbean, and particularly in the historical effects of climate change on insular communities, Jago Cooper is currently the curator of the Americas Department of the British Museum. As well as his work at the museum, he has written and directed a number of programmes for BBC Four in which he disseminates his fieldwork and reveals some of the ancient mysteries of Latin America. He will talk to Gabrielle Walker, a Doctor of Chemistry from Cambridge University and the author of four books about climate change.
Simultaneous translation available from English to Spanish
Event sponsored by the UCSM and with the support of the British Council
Centro Cultural Peruano Norteamericano (Teatro).
Time: 10:00 - 11:00.
Three Peruvian writers will talk about their work with Zoila Vega, a musicologist, writer and former conductor of the Arequipa Symphony Orchestra. Carlos Arámbulo is the author of the recent novel Quién es D’Ancourt and in 2015 was shortlisted for the Gabriel García Márquez Hispano-American Short Story Prize for Un lugar como este. Irma del Águila has published the book of short stories Mínima señal and is the author of the recent novel La isla de Fushía. Luis Nieto Degregori has a long career, including Cusco después del amor, a book that masterfully reveals two realities: the provincial and historical Cuzco, and the modern Cuzco of tourists, sex and drugs.
Auditorio del Colegio de Arquitectos de Arequipa.
Time: 10:00 - 11:00.
The Peruvian María José Caro León, author of Perro de ojos negros, and the Chilean Eduardo Plaza, author of Hienas, are among the 39 Latin American writers aged under 40 chosen by the Hay Festival for the Bogotá39-2017 project. These authors will talk to Clara Elvira Ospina about their works, their literary process and the implications of being chosen for Bogotá39-2017.
Universidad Nacional San Agustín (sala Mariano Melgar).
Time: 10:00 - 11:00.
In the 1980s, under the influence of Spanish punk, many of the young people of Peru expressed their anger. Some of their reactions involved drugs, music and violent action. Martín Roldán, who wrote Este amor no es para cobardes (2015), writes about a Lima of repression, scarcity and power cuts. He and Edurne Portela, who last year published El eco de los disparos, a book about the end of ETA’s armed struggled and which maintains a commitment to engaging with the past, will talk to the writer Alonso Rabí.
Biblioteca Regional Mario Vargas Llosa.
Time: 10:00 - 11:00.
Two writers present their latest works. With the novelist and journalist, Renato Cisneros (Peru), author of the acclaimed La distancia que nos separa, a book that broke sales records in Peru and which has been translated into a number of languages. Cisneros will present his most recent novel, Dejarás la tierra, which also explores his family history. The writer José Ovejero (Spain) will talk about his latest book, La seducción, in which the author employs the idea of vengeance, with the protagonist leaving a monotonous life and being carried away by malice, something that the character considers throughout the book. Ovejero has written a range of novels, non-fiction works, short stories and poetry, including La invención del amor, 2013 Alfaguara Prize. They will talk to Clara Elvira Ospina.
Teatro Municipal de Arequipa.
Time: 12:00 - 13:00.
Irish writer Michael Collins, author of ten works of fiction translated to seventeen languages, will speak to Jenny Valentine about his life and literature. His novel The Keepers of Truth was shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize and the IMPAC Award. His latest book The Death of all Things Seen was the Irish Times Book of the Month in March 2017. Collins is an ultra-runner. He was the captain of the 100k Irish national team. He has ran and won races of that length in Mt. Everest, Antarctica and the Sahara desert. His literature´s fountain for the past decade has been the decline of the American dream in the gigantic rural spaces of the most powerful country in the world and the mark that has left on common people.
Centro Cultural Peruano Norteamericano (Teatro).
Time: 12:00 - 13:00.
Few writers have studied political transitions with the same intensity and focus as Javier Cercas (Spain), whose work of fiction and non-fiction has been translated into over thirty languages and has brought him awards both in Spain and abroad. Alberto Vergara is a Peruvian political scientist expert on political memory.
Auditorio del Colegio de Arquitectos de Arequipa.
Time: 12:00 - 13:00.
The 30th Hay Festival coincides with the 500th anniversary of the reforms proposed by Martin Luther. In the same spirit, we have asked a number of thinkers to present new reforms on matters that are relevant today. The great Argentinean writer, Luisa Valenzuela, proposes a change in the value of money, that hollow promise that rules the world. She will talk about its origin, its sacred value and profound emptiness.
Universidad Nacional San Agustín (sala Mariano Melgar).
Time: 12:00 - 13:00.
All cultures are a response to the same question: what does it mean to be human and alive? The anthropologist and National Geographic Society resident explorer, Wade Davis, winner of a Samuel Johnson Prize, celebrates the wisdom of indigenous cultures in his latest book, The Wayfinders. From the sailors who settled in the Pacific ten centuries before Christ, to Borneo, where a nomadic way of life survived. In this way, the author encourages appreciation of cultural diversity.
Simultaneous translation available from English to Spanish
With the support of Ginny Stikeman
Teatro Municipal de Arequipa.
Time: 16:00 - 17:00.
Deyan Sudjic is a writer, design and architecture critic as well as the current Director of London’s Design Museum, a leading institution in the field of contemporary design. Furthermore, he is the author, among other works, of the influential monograph The Edifice Complex and The Language of Cities. On this occasion he will talk to the architect Álvaro Pastor.
Simultaneous translation available from English to Spanish
With the support of the British Council
Centro Cultural Peruano Norteamericano (Teatro).
Time: 16:00 - 17:00.
Juan Rulfo is one of the most important Mexican writers of the 20th century. His book Pedro Páramo has been described as one of the most significant works of Magic Realism. Cristina Rivera Garza studied the life of the writer for her book Había mucha neblina o humo o no sé qué. This was her way of responding to the questions that have been asked about Rulfo and to analyse him from different perspectives. She will talk to Francesca Denegri in a critical examination of this writer.
Auditorio del Colegio de Arquitectos de Arequipa.
Time: 16:00 - 17:00.
The writers Giuseppe Caputo (Colombia), author of Un mundo huérfano, and Juan Manuel Robles (Peru), author of Nuevos juguetes de la guerra fría, are among the 39 Latin American writers aged under 40 chosen by the Hay Festival for the Bogotá39-2017 project. They will talk to Iván Thays about their works and literary experiences.
Universidad Nacional San Agustín (sala Mariano Melgar).
Time: 16:00 - 17:00.
The special poetry of Luis Hernández (Peru), collected in his famous notebooks, has inspired and moved Peruvian readers over the years. Three guests and admirers of his work, together with Carlos Hernández, the author’s brother, will talk to Jaime Bedoya.
Event co-organized with the Fundación BBVA – Banco Continental and El Comercio
Casona Tristán del Pozo – Fundación BBVA Continental.
Time: 16:00 - 17:00.
Victoria Guerrero (Peru), Erika Martínez (Spain) and Amir Or (Israel) will talk to Ingrid Bejerman about their poetical work. Victoria Guerrero is a writer, educator and researcher, and her work has been translated into English, Finnish, French, German and Portuguese. Erika Martínez lectures in Hispano-American Literature at Granada University (Spain) and is the author of three poetry books. Lastly, Amir Or is one of the most important poets in the Hebrew language and is the author of eleven books of poetry.
Simultaneous translation available from English to Spanish
With the support of the Embassy of Israel
Biblioteca Mario Vargas Llosa.
Time: 16:00 - 17:00.
Few family histories have captured the collective imagination as much as the history of the Romanovs. The family that governed Russia with an iron hand for four centuries disappeared abruptly with the Bolshevik revolution of 1917. The British historian Simon Sebag Montefiore, author of, among others, Jerusalem and Titans of History, talks about The Romanovs: 1613-1918, which tells the story of this unique dynasty in the Russian Revolution’s centenary year. In conversation with Xavi Ayén.
Simultaneous translation available from English to Spanish
With the support of El Británico
Teatro Municipal de Arequipa.
Time: 18:00 - 19:00.
Science and fiction are two very different ways of understanding life, but sometimes making the distinction can be difficult. Wade Davis (United States), anthropologist, ethnobotanist, author and photographer who works with different indigenous cultures; and Miguel Pita, a Doctor of Genetics and Cellular Biology from UAM (Spain) and also director of a number of short films and documentaries, will talk about the situations and stories in which science seems stranger than fiction. In conversation with Gabrielle Walker.
Simultaneous translation available from English to Spanish
Centro Cultural Peruano Norteamericano (Teatro)itorio).
Time: 18:00 - 19:00.
Between 1990 and 1992 Pedro Cateriano was part of a research commission created by Peru’s House of Representatives to investigate a case of bribery involving two bureaucrats at the country’s Central Reserve Bank. This case was described in Cateriano’s book El Caso García (1994), which has been reprinted this year. The former president of Peru’s Council of Ministers will talk to Jacqueline Fowks.
Auditorio del Colegio de Arquitectos de Arequipa.
Time: 18:00 - 19:00.
Connerland is the latest novel by the Spanish writer Laura Fernández, which pays homage to all those writers who never achieved fame but who managed to take their readers to better places and worlds. It is a novel that is fluid and uninhibited, but also critical. Fernández has published books such as Bienvenidos a Welcome, Wendolin Kramer, La chica zombie and El show de Grossman. In conversation with Javier Cercas, who chose the author as an outstanding author as part of a project organized by Acción Cultural Española.
With the support of Acción Cultural Española
Universidad Nacional San Agustín (sala Mariano Melgar).
Time: 18:00 - 19:00.
The Spanish writer Luisgé Martín, the lawyer, politician and writer Alberto de Belaunde (Peru), and Verónica Ferrari (Peru) will talk with José Luis Ramos Salinas about a matter that divides many Latin American societies. The fiction of Martín, who also writes articles for various newspapers, in part deals with the complexity of sexuality from an intimate viewpoint. In 2016 de Belaunde presented a law to congress for the creation of civil union between people of the same sex and this year has published the book of interviews Más allá del arcoiris, Autoridades LGTBI en Hispanoamérica. Ferrari is considered an important figure in the LGBTQ struggles as in the peruvian feminist movement. In 2016 she actively joined the march Ni una menos in Lima. She is currently in charge of the Itinerant Feminist School, a pedagogical proposal that seeks to spread feminism throughout Peru, especially among young and adolescent girls.
Biblioteca Regional Mario Vargas Llosa.
Time: 18:00 - 19:00.
The Beatles’ eighth album, Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, is 50. A number of writers who know the album celebrate its anniversary with a homage.
Consecutive translation available from English to Spanish
Coorganised with Fundación BBVA – Banco Continental y El Comercio
Casona Tristán del Pozo – Fundación BBVA Continental.
Time: 18:00 - 19:00.
The fact that his great uncle had been a Falange militant and a number of his family had been on the right of the political spectrum had always been a taboo subject for the Spanish writer Javier Cercas, until he spoke to David Trueba, who convinced Cercas to write El monarca de las sombras. This novel tells of the life and death of a young man who goes to war aged 17 and dies two years later. He will talk to Renato Cisneros about the process of writing and researching the book, as well as his doubts and concerns about how publication would affect his family and the writer himself.
With the support of Acción Cultural Española
Teatro Municipal de Arequipa.
Time: 20:00 - 21:00.
A writer writes, corrects, publishes, presents... and acts. At least this is the viewpoint of José Ovejero, the distinguished author who in 2013 won the Alfaguara Prize for his novel La invención del amor. Here he performs a stage version of his stories in the play Qué raros son los hombres, directed by Eusebio Lázaro, adapted by Ovejero from his stories.
Duration: 75 minutes
With the support of Acción Cultural Española
Centro Cultural Peruano Norteamericano (Teatro).
Time: 20:00 - 21:30.
Mario Hamuy is one of Chile’s most prominent astronomers, a recipient of his country’s National Prize for the Exact Sciences. Hamuy has spent years working on the observation of supernovas and has published the book Supernovas together with José Maza Sancho. His work has led to his appointment as one of the directors of Chile’s Millennium Institute of Astrophysics. He currently chairs the National Commission of Scientific and Technological Research. He will talk to Juan Carlos Pérez.
With the support of the Embassy of Chile
Auditorio del Colegio de Arquitectos de Arequipa.
Time: 20:00 - 21:00.
There is a kind of journalism in which information is offered in a more personalised and speculative way, in which opinion and current affairs come together to offer a critical analysis whose aim is to stimulate the reader. What qualities should a good opinion editor have? Mabel Cáceres (Perú), de El Búho; Boris Muñoz (Venezuela), opinion editor of The New York Times; in conversation with Patricia del Río, of RPP.
Universidad Nacional San Agustín (sala Mariano Melgar).
Time: 20:00 - 21:00.
Three writers, two Peruvians (Yrigoyen and Adaui) and an Argentinean (Valenzuela), will talk to Jaime Bedoya about the very particular genre of micro-fiction, in which brevity meets a desire to tell a story, resulting in short, effective and striking tales.
Co-organized with El Comercio /BBVA
Casona Tristán del Pozo – Fundación BBVA Continental.
Time: 20:00 - 21:00.
The 30th Hay Festival coincides with the 500th anniversary of the reforms proposed by Martin Luther. In the same spirit, we have asked a number of thinkers to present new reforms on matters that are relevant today. The Peruvian essayist and philosopher, Pablo Quintanilla, Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Virginia, Master of Philosophy from King’s College, University of London, and a specialist in the philosophy of language and epistemology, will present his reform of religion, proposing a new, more secular and modern view. He will talk to dutch theologist Bruno Van Der Maat..
Biblioteca Regional Mario Vargas Llosa.
Time: 20:00 - 21:00.
Three experienced journalist from three different media organizations and countries will talk about the importance of following the rules of good journalism, including checking all the facts that are to be published in order to offer a firmly based and responsible article, column or investigation. Boris Muñoz is opinion editor of the New York Times; Gustavo Gorriti is an influential journalist specialized in investigative journalism: and Milagros Salazar, director of Convoca, was shortlisted in the Gabriel García Márquez Journalism prize.
With the support of SURA and the Gabriel García Márquez Journalism Prize
Teatro Municipal de Arequipa.
Time: 10:00 - 11:00.
It is now obvious that the environmental question is and will be one of the matters of greatest concern to humanity. Iván Lanegra was Vice-Minister of Intercultural Affairs at the Ministery of Culture as well as assistant to the Office of the Ombudsman for the Environment, Public Services and Indigenous Peoples. He has just published the book ¿Qué es el cambio climático? Mauricio de Romaña has worked on promoting the Colca Valley as a tourist destination, and sustainable tourism is essential for him, given that the valley’s attraction lies in its natural riches. In conversation with Alipio Montes Urday.
Centro Cultural Peruano Norteamericano (Teatro).
Time: 10:00 - 11:00.
La cláusula Balcells, by Pau Subirós, tells of the life and career of the legendary literary agent Carmen Balcells, through the testimonies of the writers Mario Vargas Llosa, Juan Marsé, Eduardo Mendoza, Carme Riera, Javier Cercas, Isabel Allende, Wendy Guerra, Daniel Vázquez (Vázquez Montalbán’s son); the publishers Ricardo Rodrigo (RBA), Malcolm Otero (Carlos Barral’s grandson) and Juan Cruz; the literary agent Antonia Kerrigan; Rodrigo García (Gabriel García Márquez’s son); Carmen Miracle (Álvaro Mutis’ widow); Ángeles González-Sinde (former Minister of Culture); and people who were close to her, such as her brother Joan Balcells, her son Lluís Miquel Palomares, her driver Dionisio Avilés, and the Agencia Literaria Carmen Balcells astrologer, Guiomar Eguillor. Scripted by Xavi Ayén and Pau Subirós and produced by Neus Ballús.
Duration: 59 minutes and introduction by the writer of the screenplay, Xavi Ayén
Language: Spanish
Auditorio del Colegio de Arquitectos.
Time: 10:00 - 11:30.
2017 is the 150th anniversary of the publication of the country’s first cookery book, La mesa peruana, a document that compiles different local formulas from around Peru. It is a very complete manual that also includes domestic tasks, good manners at the table and even where parents and children should sit at lunch. This event will involve talking about the participants’ favourite cookery books and the importance of publishing a society’s culinary heritage.
With the support of Dutch Foundation For Literature
Casona Tristán del Pozo – Fundación BBVA Continental.
Time: 10:00 - 11:00.
Reading and literature are gaining ground in the social media. There are now literary critics on the Internet, and they work very differently from those who work in more traditional formats, using a fresher and less specialised language. They have their detractors and supporters. Two of Peru’s most followed booktubers will talk to the writer Iván Thays about this fascinating phenomenon.
Teatro Municipal de Arequipa.
Time: 12:00 - 13:00.
Juan Cruz (Spain) has spent more than five decades working as a journalist. The profession has made him, and he has left a profound mark on the trade. His recent book, Un golpe de vida, is clear evidence than journalism is more than just a job, it is a way of seeing and feeling the world. In these times of great change for the profession, Cruz, one of the founders of El País newspaper, will talk about his autobiography and career with the Spanish writer and journalist Sergio del Molino.
Centro Cultural Peruano Norteamericano (Teatro).
Time: 12:00 - 13:00.
The writer and academic Rubén Gallo (Mexico) has a passion for the work of Marcel Proust, one of the greatest writers in the history of literature. In Search of Lost Time (1913-1927) is Proust’s best known work and in it, through great introspection, the writer offers a reflection on his life. Gallo, Professor of the Language, Literature and Civilization of Spain at Princeton University, is the author of Proust’s Latin Americans. He will talk to Guadalupe Nettel about this renowned author’s relationships with Latin Americans.
Auditorio del Colegio de Arquitectos.
Time: 12:00 - 13:00.
Graphic novels seek to immerse the reader in the story told by means of illustrations that take us to parallel worlds. Victor Sanjinez, Sheila Alvarado and Juan Acevedo, the creator of Cuy, one of the Peruvian comic’s most emblematic characters, are three of Peru’s finest illustrators and they have the difficult task of taking these worlds to their readers. They will talk to the illustrator and strip cartoonist, Manuel Gómez Burns.
Universidad Nacional San Agustín (sala Mariano Melgar).
Time: 12:00 - 13:00.
In 1993, Edgardo Rivera Martínez published one of the most important novels in the history of Peruvian literature: País de Jauja. The protagonist’s internal conflict between the European and Andean worlds, and the discovery of the secrets of his roots, make País de Jauja an outstanding Bildungsroman. The work brought the author great acclaim. Rivera will talk to Francesca Denegri.
Casona Tristán del Pozo – Fundación BBVA Continental.
Time: 12:00 - 13:00.
Chloé Thomas (France), Phd in North American literature, speaks with Alfredo Vanini Benvenuto about the French novel, a genre that has undergone a renovation in the last few years, with complex and atractive books for the readers. Chloé Thomas is also a researcher at Paris 8 University and a literary translator from English and German. She has published the novel Nos lieux communs
With the support of the Instituto Francés and the French Embassy.
Simultaneous translation available from French to Spanish.
Alianza Francesa de Arequipa.
Time: 12:00 - 13:00.
Valenzuela is one of the best known and important contemporary Argentinean writers. Because of the military dictatorship, which impeded both her journalistic and literary work, she went into exile in the United States. She stayed there for ten years and was writer-in-residence at the Center for InterAmerican Relations and at New York and Columbia universities, where she also gave writing workshops and seminars. In 1989 she returned for good to Buenos Aires, where she continues to live. Luisa Valenzuela is the author of more than 30 books, including novels, short stories, micro-fiction and essays, with titles such as La travesía, El gato eficaz, Los heréticos and Hay que sonreír, which have been translated and published in many different countries.
Teatro Municipal de Arequipa.
Time: 16:00 - 17:00.
Reflecting on political phenomena, from the local to the global, from political theory to specific facts linked to a country’s reality. Political scientist Alberto Vergara and journalist and writer Mirko Lauer talk to historian Jorge Bedregal de la Vera about a genre of non-fiction whose importance goes beyond casual reading because of its close link to changes in ideologies and thought in general.
Centro Cultural Peruano Norteamericano (Teatro).
Time: 16:00 - 17:00.
The Peruvian writer, Iván Thays, shortlisted for the Herralde Prize for Un lugar llamado Oreja de Perro, is the author of several novels, including Antonio vuelve a casa. Guadalupe Nettel (Mexico) is the author of the novel Después del invierno (2014 Herralde Novel Prize) and of a number of books of short stories. They will talk to Ignasi Duarte.
With the support of AECID
Auditorio del Colegio de Arquitectos de Arequipa.
Time: 16:00 - 17:00.
The Ottoman Empire covered an immense territory from Central Europe to the Arabian Peninsula, from the Caucasus to North Africa, for almost seven centuries. We will see how the Ottoman Empire became interested in the Americas just after the arrival of Columbus, and hear about social, economic and official relations between the Empire and Latin America, including the experiences of important Latin American travellers to imperial Turkey. With Necati Kutlu (Turkey), director of the Centre for Latin American Studies at Ankara University.
With the support of the Embassy of Turkey
Universidad Nacional San Agustín (sala Mariano Melgar) .
Time: 16:00 - 17:00.
The poetry gala, the moment at which our favourite poets recite their work live, returns to the Hay Arequipa with Carlos Arámbulo (Péru), Victoria Guerrero (Perú), Lee Maracle (Canadá), Erika Martínez (España), Cees Nooteboom (Holanda), Amir Or (Israel), Alonso Ruiz Rosas (Perú), José Carlos Yrigoyen (Perú) y Martín Zúñiga (Perú). Presented by Liliet Heredero
Casona Tristán del Pozo – Fundación BBVA Continental.
Time: 16:00 - 17:00.